Dystopia Unmasked
Dystopia Unmasked Podcast
Orphans of Ambition

Orphans of Ambition

The Force Publique

This reading of the Dystopia Unmasked article of the same name by Alex Carberry and masterfully read by Naakow Grant-Hayford.

Echoes of History: Forgotten Chronicles

How indigenous multi-ethnic armies were the precursor to modern African national armies and the complex web of connections which bring us to our here and now.

Grasping how the forces that make history, relentless and unyielding, propels us forward, in our futile efforts to hold fast to what we have today. In the interplay of past, present, and future, recurring patterns emerge, revealing the falsity of our illusions of progress and enlightenment. The tales of forgotten rebels, scarcely mentioned conflicts and unsung heroes unveils the intricate tapestry of human struggles across time.

Unsung Rebels: Forgotten Connections

Amidst the fraught landscape of 1906 South Africa, tensions simmered as the spectre of White Fear of the "Black Peril" loomed large. Ands Indigenous voices, steeped in their newfound Christianity, echoed calls for autonomy against the backdrop of entrenched subjugating racism. Hendrik Bikier's forgotten and defiant words echo through the annals of history, a testament to the indomitable spirit of resistance against colonial oppression and the warp and weft of interconnected global life. As the saga unfolds, intertwined destinies reveal the hidden threads linking distant lands and disparate struggles.

Jacob Morenga: The Black Napoleon

In the harsh terrain of colonial Africa, Jacob Morenga emerged as a formidable freedom fighter, challenging the might of the German Schutztruppe with guile and cunning. His audacious exploits earned him the moniker of the "Black Napoleon," a testament to his prowess as a military tactician. Amidst the clash of empires, Morenga's defiance embodied the resilience of the oppressed, a beacon of hope in a sea of adversity, crushed by the brutal German revenge which is the Herero-Nama Genocide.

Colonial Armies: Indigenous Forces

Against the backdrop of colonial conquest, what in other conflicts would be termed mercenary colonial armies became pawns in a global game of power, resource extraction and domination. From Askaris to Tirailleurs, these soldiers navigated a complex web of loyalties, shaping the course of history in unforeseen ways. As the embers of empire smoldered, the legacy of these forgotten warriors endured, shaping the destiny of nations yet to come.

Force Publique: Power by Terror

In the heart of darkness, the Force Publique cast a shadow of terror across the Congo, plundering and pillaging with impunity. Forged from the crucible of colonial exploitation, these soldiers embodied the brutal legacy of empire, leaving a trail of devastation in their wake. As the echoes of history reverberate through time, their atrocities serve as a stark reminder of humanity's capacity for cruelty and suffering.

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Dystopia Unmasked
Dystopia Unmasked Podcast
A revealing look at our world, for the activist who knows that hope without insight is not enough