issue: 0005
Behold the Bloody Hands of the Emperor
In the wake of World War II, a new era dawned upon humanity. The echoes of conflict gave way to the promise of freedom, democracy, and decolonization. For those who can recall, the fall of the Berlin Wall marked the demise of a dark, oppressive world veiled behind the Iron Curtain. If these historical landmarks aren't immediately familiar, a quick search will unveil their significance.
Today, as beneficiaries of the freedoms forged in the crucible of war, we stand at the zenith of human achievement. Our societies bask in the glow of unprecedented prosperity, buoyed by the triumph of market economies. Governments champion democracy, strive for gender equality, and uphold human rights with unwavering commitment. We, the torchbearers of the West, have become the beacon of hope for the world, heralding the virtues of freedom, enlightenment, and dignity. We the creators of globalism, can now travel across the globe in a day. We are the heralds of freedom, enlightenment and human rights. And then the Gaza Genocide happened…
La Rêve et l'Ombre étaient de grands camarades
(The dream and the shadow were the best companions.)
This is not being whispered in poetic harmony. No it now stands as a stark reminder of the shattered illusions that cloak our modern reality. The recent events unfolding in Gaza have torn the veil of hypocrisy, lies, and double standards that have long masked the actions of the European empire.
In response to the actions of a small paramilitary group, the collective might of the Israeli forces unleashed terror upon innocent defenceless civilians, leaving a trail of devastation in their wake. The pretext of punishing the few has morphed into a systematic assault on the civilian population, a grotesque display of barbarity aimed at achieving strategic objectives under the guise of combating terrorism. As the death toll climbs relentlessly, reaching an unfathomable 28,000 and counting, the complicity of the West becomes all too apparent.
Instead of upholding the values of freedom, democracy, and human rights, the West has become an accomplice to genocide, supplying arms, disseminating propaganda, and silencing dissenting voices. Israel was dragged before the Hague, and in the face of an ongoing genocide investigation with legal orders to stop their slaughter and to allow humanitarian aid to reach Palestinians, the West collectively attacked the very institutions UNRWA that would deliver that aid. The dream of freedom, democracy, decolonisation and the protection of human rights, evaporated as the beast of nightmares revealed itself.
In the post WWII period the US leader of the Free World alone has been responsible for the slaughter of 13 to 20 million people! Yes, read that again! If we were in an era of peace then why on Earth has there been this much slaughter? Are we a civilisation with a thirst for human blood sacrifice? The question is how on Earth was this kept in the shadows?
I am Right and You’re Dead
“The colonial world is a Manichean world."Â
-- Wretched of the Earth, Franz Fanon
Britain’s world encircling, global empire, had to be rescued by the United States. The US demanded a steep price from the Empires of Britain and France, the US demanded nothing less than the reorganisation of global imperialism under its centralised control. This was hammered out in the Bretton Woods Agreement and European multinational corporations would now compete with American ones whilst Europe would base their currencies on the US$, with centralised international financial institutions, enthroning the US, at the centre loaning the world reconstruction finance, and guaranteeing American companies lucrative reconstruction deals. The US welded them into a centrally planned trans-Atlantic imperial economy, for global domination.
Colonies became bad and expensive business and brutally suppressing anti-colonialist movements an expensive waste of time. They began to divest themselves of their colonies and transition to a very different kind of empire. Nationalist European empires were based upon the Roman model; now they shifted to the Athenian model of naval empire. No longer would they directly hold colonies, maintaining military garrisons and direct rule, they would instead through NATO control the network of trade routes, and the techniques of trade and finance. Modern nation states are nodes on this network. Their legal and financial frameworks integrate them into the world encircling trade and financial empire. The Postwar American Empire is built upon systems theory. Which reduces the world to networks and control loops. It sets the world into controlled zones. And in the spirit of control, rebellion is ruthlessly and brutally suppressed. To maintain this order the US leader of the Free World alone has slaughtered 13 to 20 million people!
Within this system of Global Western Empire, racism, ghettos and exploitation are inherent. It is a caste hierarchy, with a hierarchy of ‘development’, controlled by who gets the loans, access to the technology, the military hardware, etc. In this order each group must know their place.
Black Africa connects to the network as supply chains of cheap unrefined minerals and raw materials, with their capacity to produce manufactured goods, financial services and advanced technology ruthlessly suppressed. 19 African leaders have been assassinated for not knowing their place.
Arabs provide oil, markets and freeports because they sit on the crossroads of the global trade routes. They must know their place and are violently managed to prevent their rise. Islamophobia and anti-Arab racism prepares populations for vast militarised Arab deaths in exchange for the Empire’s protection against the dangerous, uncivilised, mediaeval barbarians. This is the main racist trope used to justify their crimes. Iran with its Persian history is bundled into the Arab bloc despite it being vastly different. In the racist ‘War on Terror’ and the manufactured moniker of ‘Islamic Terrorism’ as the Global Empire faced the backlash for slaughtering over 1 million Arabs and even more Muslims.
Latin America is the private network of US resource supply chains under the Monroe Doctrine. Since indigenous people sit on resource rich lands they are made to submit to regular bloodshed. Regime change and proxy wars are used to guarantee cheap access to Latin American resources. Cuba is under permanent embargo because of its role in resisting this.
 This Manichean order works like this, you are either with the empire or against it. If you are against it you are evil, and if you’re not compliant, you are dangerous. In interviews you must prove your allegiance and your allegiance is your humanity. The empire sets the terms of the human.
Rebel against the extractive order and you’re evil. Rebel against the empire’s constructed humanity and you are evil. You deserve to be destroyed. Light versus darkness
They would continue to prove Fanon right.
"The colonist and the colonised are old acquaintances. And consequently, the colonist is right when he says he 'knows' them. It is the colonist who fabricated and continues to fabricate the colonised."
— Wretched of the Earth, Franz Fanon
The empire projects its shadow self unto the imagined shifting passive screen of the oppressed. The media the organ of this projection fabricates the other into the beast, against which the forces of light and order are arrayed. Sometimes even the other is forced to mould itself into the twisted perverse image of the projected caricature. Social Media has inverted it all and the Empire is throwing a tantrum.
They should however remember Euripides’ warning to Athenian empire, through Hecuba, who stands dispossessed after the defeat at the hands of the Athenians
Hecuba: "Weep, O motherland, weep! The conqueror and the conquered, both pawns in the ruthless game of necessity. The spoils of war bring no true victory; they merely reveal the cold, unyielding grip of fate upon us all."
— Trojan Women, Euripides
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Ogbeche, D. (2017) EXCLUSIVE: US has killed over 20 million in 37 countries since end of World War II - Prof. Galtung, Daily Post Nigeria. Available at: (Accessed: 8 February 2024).
Fanon, F., 1967. The wretched of the earth, Harmondsworth: Penguin.
Euripides. The Trojan Women. Newburyport: Focus Publishing, 2005.