issue: 0006
"The highest aim of the state is the organised mass-collectivisation of the human spirit."
- We, Yevgeny Zamyatin
(listen to a reading by Nacow Hayford-Grant)
The beast of nightmares has revealed itself. Not slowly as with boiling a frog but with a shocking explosion of genocidal immediacy. Marching stiffly in lockstep is our Western political class and their increasingly fascist actions, policies and rhetoric. Unlike the fascist caricatures they were not clad in jackboots and the military uniforms designed by Hugo Boss and Paolo Garetto (please look them up), but in the balanced tailored business suits of the world destroying, climate collapsing, resource extracting corporate business class. At least Hugo Boss had survived as a modern relic of European atavistic (relating to something ancient or ancestral) ravenousness. The beast of nightmares bellows as it ravishes, it is an atavistic highpriest, a brutal European ethno-state, deciding that apartheid is not effective enough and so slaughters and ethnically cleanses the indigenous people of the land which they had usurped, with all the right of the master race to whom this land belonged by the diktat of God; but they of course are secular and or atheist, but that is merely a minor detail. The atavistic spokesmen were all clad in business suits, and so we knew that Hugo Boss and Garetto had lost the battle but won the bloody war.
"When all are one and the same, the greatest terror is to stand out. To be different is to be destroyed." - We, Yevgeny Zamyatin
And all who dare speak against them openly are punished, and their careers destroyed, whilst the atavistic sons and daughters of Europe rush barbarously forward to join their ethno-statist mass genocide, mass displacement and ethnic cleansing; producing state approved snuff videos only to return home and work without consequence! Their industrially slaughtered and tortured victims were not killed or murdered but had died.
We are confronted with a reality more terrifying than any fiction, a morality abandoned under the pretence of protecting Western Civilisation, and industrial slaughter executed and prosecuted without precision, that would otherwise be termed indiscriminate. However amidst indiscriminate Western Propaganda it is termed defence. As the sanctity of life and human rights are barbarously trampled underfoot.
What we must recognise is that the political rhetoric of Europe has entered the fascist atavistic stage and political mass appeal is gathered to close Europe and all the West to those that would dilute its human purity. If you haven’t read Anders Berhring Brievik’s manifesto then you must and if you don’t know who he is then that is precisely the point!
As the rhetoric of freedom, freedom of speech and universal human rights are abandoned and are publicly declared public enemies, and over 120 journalists have been killed in Gaza to suppress news and free speech. In Britain, as we will ship our refugees to another country which recently committed a genocide and is implicated in the commission of a genocide in the Congo; all this to protect ourselves from those refugees (sorry I meant immigrants). With the current track record of the West I suggest that we rename it the Axis of Genocide. If we want to understand our time we must read Achille Mbembe’s Necropolitics.
"Necropolitics refers to the various ways in which, in our contemporary world, weapons are deployed in the interest of maximum destruction of persons and the creation of death-worlds." - Necropolitics, Achille Mbembe
"Necropower operates through the generalised instrumentalisation of human existence and the material destruction of human bodies and populations."
- Necropolitics, Achille Mbembe
Just remember though that:
"When the rich wage war, it's the poor who die."
- Jean-Paul Sartre
If we do not rise up, to resist, and to demand accountability from those who claim to wield power in our name. How then can we hope to banish the beast of nightmares back to the terrible depths from whence it came? For we have seen up close the destructive death-worlds that they facilitate, supply the arms for and so ardently desire.
Hadn’t heard of Necropolitics before…I’ll be sure to add this to my list.