thank you, this concept of «overgrowing» is a fertile gifr! It is imperative to disengage from the system (ideas of how to throw sand into the cogs of the weapons industry are also necessary) and yes let the birds, insects, animals and other life forms show us ways to connect, survive and share creative hope that may bring back to community those who have been pushed to despair 🤲🏼

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Thank you! And salutes to the Overgrowers and to overgrowing! The system is presently shovelling sand into its cogs and the weapons as for the weapons industry and the surveillance machinery! You are right. The financial system is itself a cancer and it is destroying the host, through its natural consequences, hyperconcentration of credit tokens into the hands of a few and the destruction of the natural logic of trade. Debt! Debt! and more debt!

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There is much happening already, conversations like this really remind me to begin looking at what is happening in proximity to me and engage or continue to do so. I truly believe we are at a crossroads in which we either commit to preserving and building our humanity or continue submitting to the corrupt order in which return on resources is the main driver. Thank you for the comment

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Absolutely spot on with corrupt governance. Americans are gleeful that THEIR vote is different. It’s going to mean something. It’s representative of their voice and choice, and reflective of their political patriotism. They don’t grasp the corruption, and have been conditioned not to see it. It’s sad. We don’t have to submit ourselves to this behavior. It’s not reflective of my moral compass or value system.

HOW? How do we get an alternative representation? How do we steer clear of the global central banking system, and economies of the world? Is it possible? Who will listen?

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How do we get beyond being defined by their definitions? The ecosystem has a logic and if we continue to replicate it then we merely become a means to its resilience in doing what it does. The question is not who will listen but having grown alternatives who will having tasted them want to get back into the matrix?

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