Jul 14Liked by Alex Carberry

Great article as always, thank you. No history lesson today! My thoughts are that this one's really helpful to break away from the capitalist growth mindset that many of us have. Your article is a guide to channel our thought process in a different direction, a reprogramming of sorts, helping to connect with our true human nature. Am I correct?

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Yes the capitalist and the socialist mindset. Our civilisation is destroying the conditions in which human beings can exist. It is utter insanity, we need new ways of thinking and connecting. Empire is a death cult

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Jul 14Liked by Alex Carberry

“ Overgrowing is setting primary process creativity free and putting secondary process creativity in its place where it must serve primary process creativity.” Now I have a brother who knows what this means for our existence. Allhamdulillah.

Aad ayaad u Mahad Santahay

( Thank you very much, Alex)!

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Thank you so much Nasri. May it be a means of Nasr! Insha Allah!

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Jul 14Liked by Alex Carberry

"We recognise that to overgrow empire we must let the creative essence of our humanity roam free." This !

I love how you took the term overgrowing in a completely different direction than where I thought this article would go. Amazing!

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Well Nadia I value your praise particularly as I really love your writing. It is elegant insightful, courageous searching and radically honest. I'll stop repeating it, for fear that you'll stop believing me. Thank you. My favourite sentiment in this one is the centring of the artist and the artistic courage and drive.

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Jul 14Liked by Alex Carberry

"Ourselves as nature" ! Love this! Again thank you for sharing your wisdom and perspectives with generosity

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Jul 14Liked by Alex Carberry

Absolutely love this. Love the idea of connecting to nature and reclaiming growth and creativity for ourselves. Very inspiring

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Yes the overgrowing of the imperial man against nature dialectic, which alienates us from our world frees us to discover ours ourselves as nature, with our own impulses, patterns and emergence. You are a force of the universe. Thanks this really inspires us too.

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Insha allah

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