Aug 18Liked by Alex Carberry

Understand the exhaustion. While one cannot give up, I always remember Bisan's words in North Gaza. She said enjoy the life you have, the seconds of life, each second. Sometimes those seconds are spent at rest, which is still apart of readiness, because your subconscious is still at work. I hope that helps. Thank you for all you do.

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Yes! Thank you so much. Bisan's words are gold. Yes thank you it helps.

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I would like to add a comment for readers not to confuse St Martin's island in the Bay of Bengal with Saint Martin island in the Caribbean.

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Absolutely needs clarifying - this particular set of names always confuses me as there are few islands named some variation of this name:

- there is 1 island between the Caribbean Sea and Atlantic that has a french side called 'Saint Martin' and the Dutch side is Sint Maarten

- and of course the one this article is referring to in the Bay of Bengal

- There is also a St Martin's which is one of the 5 Isles of Scilly

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Aug 20Liked by Alex Carberry

Thanks, I didn't know there were more than 2! When I googled it I got the Caribbean one and started wondering why Bangladesh would have control over that part of the world. What I've seen is that the names are slightly different. The one in question in the Bay of Bengal is St Martin's whilst the Caribbean one is Saint Martin. But then as you've pointed out it seems the one in Scilly, England (not be confused with Sicily!) shares the same name as the Bengal one! Remnants of the British Empire and its messes!

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Immensely thankful that you continue to bring out such invaluable insights despite your exhaustion. JazakAllah khair

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